Congratulations 2017-2018 CWL Graduates!

Friday, June 01, 2018
2018 Graduate List

Congratulations to the 2017-2018 graduating Comparative & World Literature majors, minors, and M.A. students!

To celebrate our graduating students, CWL hosted an end of the year party on May 18.  Many thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate!

2017-2018 graduate students

Graduating Students
Back row, left to right: Eirini Courtney, Oscar Vasquez, Brendan Sullivan, Kristy Tahmazian, Juan Salinas-Mendez, Shandise Ferretti
Front row, left to right: Isis Wozniakowska, Sassandra Leidig, Jacqueline Whistler, Jane Matchak

In addition to celebrating our graduating students, we also took the oportunity to celebrate Prof. Ellen Peel, who is retiring after the 2017-2018 year.

Dane and Ellen with a crown on

Dane and Ellen

Prof. Dane Johnson and Prof. Ellen Peel

Persis and Ellen

Prof. Persis Karim and Prof. Ellen Peel

Chris and Ellen

Prof. Ellen Peel and Prof. Chris Weinberger

Ellen and Ashley

Prof. Ellen Peel and graduating M.A. student AShley Kimura

Toast with graduate students

graduate students making a toast

A toast to our graduating students and Prof. Ellen Peel