Advisor |
Cristina Ruotolo |
For advising in American Studies email Cristina Ruotolo at
You may sign up as a major or minor via your Student Center. Please meet with Professor Ruotolo to plan your course of study as soon as you can after signing up.
Before you meet with an advisor:
- Please study the requirements for the major;
- Look over the courses you've taken, at SFSU or previous institutions, that have focused on the U.S. and might count as an elective in your major/minor.
- Give thought to what kind of focus you might want to guide your selection of electives going forward. What are you most interested in studying in depth? What are your educational and career goals?
Advisors |
Dane Johnson |
Persis Karim |
Shirin Khanmohamadi |
Christopher Weinberger |
To ensure adequate planning of a student's program, all majors must consult an advisor at least once per year.
Students are advised to take CWL 400GW - Approaches to Comparative and World Literature - GWAR as early as possible in the major.
All students in the Comparative World Literature major are urged to acquire reading competence in at least one language in addition to English.
Advisors |
Laura García Moreno |
George Leonard |
David Peña-Guzmán |
Cristina Ruotolo |
Mary Scott |
Humanities majors/minors should meet with a faculty advisor as often as they find necessary, but particularly at the beginning of their pathway through the program.
All full-time Humanities faculty are undergraduate advisors. Consult the professors with whom you are taking courses for advice on your coursework and career prospects. We strongly recommend that you talk to your advisors at least once a semester.
Before you meet with an advisor, get acquainted with your Degree Progress Report, and take note of any concerns you may have with its tracking of your Humanities coursework.

Undergraduate Advising
Majors in the College of Liberal & Creative Arts (LCA) should consult with two advisors each semester:
- an advisor in the major and
- a general education and university requirements advisor in the Undergraduate Advising Center
Students who are completing a minor or an additional major should see an advisor in those programs as well.

Graduate Advising
The Division of Graduate Studies offers counseling and advising regarding issues ranging from applications to graduation.